What have I done?

A few weeks ago I celebrated my 27th birthday. It was a far cry from what I’d experienced a mere 365 days prior. I had been through 10 of 107 days of a strict and punishable stay at home order when my golden birthday rolled through on the 26th of March. My roommate pulled out whatever bells and whistles she could find in the house and, knowing I loved Christmas, set me up for a Christmas-themed golden birthday. I was grateful for the jolly cheer that came with the theme and was greeted with various messages and phone calls, all congratulating me on completing another year on this earth.

Certain celebration dates bring a level of reflection. My 26th birthday reflection included pondering the last 10 months living abroad and how low I had sunk at times. Not negating the bright spots, like serving in conferences, making new friends, speaking Spanish, and my family coming to visit me, it was quite the twisty ride. I also lost a dear friend which continues to shake me to my core today. 

Now looking back on this last trip around the sun, my mind begs the question “what have I done?” Here’s a short list, I’ve:

  • Experienced a global pandemic while in a country I am still getting to know.

  • Watched CDV maneuver trial and error to get the gospel into the homes and hearts of Peru and beyond.

  • Done Instagram Live interviews with some amazing people that have been hands-on and integral pieces of the success of CDV.

  • Done zoom call after zoom call after zoom call after zoom call…

  • Joined the “quarantine haircut club” and shaved the back of my head (another story for another time).

  • Discovered diligence in working out daily even if that means at home for 30 minutes.

  • Celebrated birthdays from afar.

  • Brought my dog with me to the states on what I thought would be a max two month trip to visit family and friends.

  • Was asked to join the Haciendo Iglesia (“Doing Church”) team and have been so honored to even be a fly on the wall in those meetings.

  • Had my “holiday” trip end date extended to “TBD” and have learned to rest in God’s goodness in the midst of uncertainty.

  • Enjoyed the freedoms the US warrants that have yet be to unrestricted in other countries (including Peru).

  • Experienced more pain than I have in my life and I am 100% grateful for that truth.

Right now, I’m sitting at a coffee shop in North Minneapolis (not far from where I grew up) and it’s still surreal that I’m here working as a digital missionary. My heart longs to be in my sweet Peru, and I know that I will be back in my Surco apartment in no time. Until then, I’m taking each day as a gift, asking the Lord to fill it with light and purpose, and am welcoming the newness of this unexpected season. 

Elana Selvig